Monday, April 18, 2011

WOT THE FFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So finally i am into blogging... wot the f...!!!!
    Yea you read it right wot the f......

One of the most common sentences man kind have ever used and will continue to use because,  it is the f thing that moves the world around.

Think of a world with out f..???? 

You can't call out for Food....!!!!

There is no Facebook... (that is quite a big issue)....

You can't express your anger to a person....

You can't call out when you are  laid....

You can't explain how you are born in one word.....
You can't cry out when you are really F****d.......

How different would it be with out f........ can't even imagine right???

So use F..  cry out loud and enjoy your life and don't forget to say

WOT THE F!!!!!!!!!!!!

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